Tuesday, November 24, 2015

We are Thankful!

WOW!  This class of first graders sure has a bunch to be thankful for! 

Have a Great Holiday!

Wants and Needs

We did a great lesson with our Scarcity lessons on wants and needs.  We had a lot of picture cards and needed to decide on what is a want and what is a need.

Here is our finished chart!  The only picture that we could not decide on where to place LOVE.  We all want it....we all need it.....

As a bonus picture, we all enjoyed seeing the fun banana dolphins that Mr. Miner made on our special turkey lunch day!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

STEM day 4

Today the children worked on packets of their own and wrote about what they would have done differently and what they liked best about this STEM project.  It was a really fun week!

STEM day 3!

This day was the most exciting day of our STEM project!  the Big Bad Wolf (aka Mrs. Faas' Hairdryer) came to school to test out the structures. It was very exciting.

The first thing that we did was to make predictions about whether or not we thought our structure would fall over.  Everyone was very confident that their structures would stand tall!

All of our structures survived the "low speed" test.  Only one structure fell victim to the "high speed" test.  This was a great learning experience and there was a lot of clapping for successful structures and words of comfort for our one team that the Big Bad Wolf knocked over.

I had a captive audience!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

STEM project Day 2

Our second day was by far the most fun!  It was our build day!  The kids went "shopping" for the materials on their lists and got right to work!

There was a lot of cooperation, a great amount of discussion and TONS of masking tape!

STEM project Day 1

This has been a VERY exciting week in first grade!  We started working on our STEM projects on Monday and from the very start, the kids have been SO excited!

The first thing that we had to work on was learning what STEM meant!  We learned that we would have to also listen to and support one another.  We talked about what compromise was.  I was very proud of how well these first graders worked together!

Our first day was our plan and design day.  We were thinking about our challenge question: Could you make a structure that the Big Bad Wolf could not blow down? The children were able to look at all of our materials and decide what they thought they wanted to use to build their structure. They had to explain why they chose the materials that they chose.

As you can see there is a lot of cooperation going on in room 317!

The second part of our Day 1 was to design a structure. Each child did their own design and then the team did one drawing including labels and lots of details! This first day was a BUSY one!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Halloween!

What a FUN DAY!!!!!  

I told them that if we did a serious picture first, we could do a funny one next.
This was the serious one.

...and goofy!

A baseball player and a soldier!

A ninja and a boxer!

A kitty and a bee!

Two very cute witches!

A quartet of Mals!

A trio of Superheroes!

Princess Leia and Boba Fett!

Firehouse trip

We had a VERY fun time at the Spencerport Firehouse and we did not let the weather get us down! We hopped onto busses and went anyway!  Thanks to Mrs. Montgomery for some of the photos and thanks to the parents that went with us!  A special thanks to our Field Trip Dad  Mr. Morgan for helping kids get out of the firetruck!
Try to get them to all look at once! 

Learning about fire gear and knowing that Firefighter Magin does NOT look scary!

All the trucks were there!

Firefighter Cole was VERY enthusiastic!  He loves his job!

waiting for everyone to go through the truck

listening carefully!

A fun time was had by all!


I just took these beautiful writings down off the line.  I have loved seeing them.  I will send them home soon.  You will be proud.